
Making A Payment - Questions |
Making A Payment - Answers |
1. How do I make a payment?
You can make a payment online, or through our automated Pay By Phone service. The payment process is fast, easy and secure.

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2. How many payments can I make?
Tax Type: Annual
Maximum Payment: 2 Per Year
● Form 1040 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1040 Prior Year Tax Return Balance Due Payments
● Form 1040 Advanced Payment of a Determined Deficiency
● Form 1040 Notice Balance Due Payments
● Form 4868 Automatic Extension of Time to File Payments
● Form 5329 Return for Individual Retirement Arrangement Taxes
● Form 1040X Amended Return Payments
● Health Care (Form 1040) - with an amended or adjusted return Balance Due Payments
● Health Care (Form 1040) - Proposed Tax Assessment / CP2000/CP2501/CP3219A Balance Due Payments
● Health Care (Form 1040) - Balance Due Notice Payment
● Form 1040 - Section 965 - Transition Tax - Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1040 - Section 965 - Transferee Liability Tax
● Form 1040 - Partner Pymnt for BBA Modification Balance Due Payments
● Form 1040 - Prepayment on BBA AAR/Exam Push Out Balance Due Payments
● Form 1040 - Partner Payment Proportionate Share BBA Imputed Underpayment
● Form 940 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 940 Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 940 Amended or Adjusted Return Payments
● Form 943 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 943 Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 943 Amended or Adjusted Return Payments
● Form 944 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 944 Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 944 Amended or Adjusted Return Payments
● Form 945 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 945 Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 945 Amended or Adjusted Return Payments
● Form 1041 Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041 Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041, Section 965 - Transition Tax Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041, Section 965 - Transferee Liability Tax
● Form 1041, BBA AAR Push Out (As Reported on F8985) Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041, Partner Pymnt for BBA Modification Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041, BBA Exam Push Out (As Reported on F8985) Balance Due Payments
● Form 1041, Partner Payment Proportionate Share BBA Imputed Underpayment
● Form 1065, Current Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Prior Year Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Section 965 - Transition Tax Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Section 965 - Transferee Liability Tax
● Form 1065, BBA AAR Imputed Underpayment Form Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, BBA AAR Push Out (As Reported on F8985) Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, BBA Exam Imputed Underpayment Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Advance BBA Exam Imputed Underpayment Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Partner Pymnt for BBA Modification Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, BBA Exam Push Out (As Reported on F8985) Balance Due Payments
● Form 1065, Partner Payment Proportionate Share BBA Imputed Underpayment
Tax Type: Quarterly
Maximum Payments: 2 Per Quarter
● Form 1040ES Estimated Tax Payments
● Trust Fund Recovery Penalty Tax Payments
● Form 941 Current Quarter Balance Due Payments
● Form 941 Prior Quarter Balance Due Payments
● Form 941 Amended or Adjusted Return Payments
Tax Type: Installments
Maximum Payments: 2 Per Month
● Form 1040 Balance Due Installment Agreement Payments
● Trust Fund Recovery Penalty Tax Installment Agreement Payments
● Form 940 Installment Agreement Payments
● Form 941 Installment Agreement Payments
● Form 943 Installment Agreement Payments
● Form 945 Installment Agreement Payments

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3. How can I confirm my transaction has been completed?
If you are paying via the Internet, you will receive a digital receipt once your credit or debit card charge has been authorized and your payment is completed. We recommend that you print out the digital receipt for your records as proof of payment.

If you are paying by telephone, you will receive a confirmation number once your credit or debit card charge has been authorized and your payment is completed. We recommend that you write down the confirmation number for your records as proof of payment.

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4. What do I do with the confirmation number I receive?
If you are paying via the Internet, you will receive a digital receipt once your credit or debit card charge has been authorized and your payment is completed. We recommend that you print out the digital receipt for your records as proof of payment.

If you have already mailed a tax return or have filed your form electronically, record the confirmation number and keep it with your tax records. If you are paying a fee to a government or other entity, record the confirmation number and keep it with your records.

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5. If I paid my taxes through ACI Payments, Inc., do I still need to file my federal or state income tax return?
● For federal Form 1040 or Form 1040X payments, you must file the associated paper tax
return. You do not have to file a payment voucher.
● If you are paying Federal taxes due on Form 1040ES or Form 4868, you don't need to submit
a paper form. Keep your confirmation number with your tax records.
● If you are paying an Installment Agreement Payment Form 1040, a Balance Due Notice
Payment Form 1040 or a Prior Tax Year Form 1040, keep the confirmation your tax records.
You do not need number with to submit a paper form.
● For federal Form 5329 payments, you must file the associated paper tax return. You do not
have to file a payment voucher.
● If you are filing a paper tax return Form 940, Form 941, Form 944, Form 1041 or Form 1065,
write the confirmation number and the amount you charged (not including the service
fee), in the top left margin on the front page of your form and mail it in. You do not have to file
a payment voucher.
● If you have already mailed a tax return Form 940, Form 941, Form 943, Form 944, Form 945,
Form 1041 or Form 1065 or filed your return electronically, record the confirmation number
and keep it with your tax records. If you are making a Form 940, 941, 943, 944 or 945
Installment Agreement or a Prior Tax Year payment, keep the confirmation number with your
tax records. You do not need to submit a payment voucher.

For state income tax returns, you must file the associated paper tax return. If you are requesting an extension by making a payment or making an estimated payment, you should check with your individual state to determine if you need to file the associated paper tax return.

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6. How do I notify the government or other entity that I paid my taxes or fees through ACI Payments, Inc.?
For federal payments, when the IRS receives your return in the mail or electronically, they will match up the Social Security Number(or ITIN) or Employer Identification Number, Primary Cardholder's Date of Birth on the form you filled out to an electronic record they received from ACI Payments, Inc. of your tax payment containing your Social Security Number(or ITIN) or Employer Identification Number.

For state and local payments, the government or other entity will match up the unique ID number (Social Security Number (or ITIN), Parcel Number, Account Number, etc.) on the form you filled out to an electronic record they received from ACI Payments, Inc. of the tax or fee payments containing your unique ID number and whether the payment was made by telephone or Internet.

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7. What types of taxes and fees can I pay?
ACI Payments, Inc. processes tax payments for the Internal Revenue Service, and tax and fee payments for 23 state governments, the District of Columbia and more than 3,500 municipalities in 50 states.
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8. When is my payment due?
Payment schedules differ for each government entity. Please refer to your tax booklet or government bill for exact due dates.

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9. What payment options can I use?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, and American Express credit and debit cards.

To make a debit card payment you can use a MasterCard or Visa Debit Card or any debit card with Nyce, Pulse or Star logos.

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10. I'm not sure if I have enough available credit on my card to make a payment. Who should I contact?
You should contact your card issuer using the number listed on the back of your card.

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11. How do I earn rewards or miles on my credit or debit card if I use ACI Payments, Inc. to make a government payment?
To earn rewards you must be enrolled in an eligible rewards program through your credit or debit card. Rewards are provided by card issuers and not by ACI Payments, Inc.. For more information, check with your credit or debit card issuer.

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12. I have questions about my credit or debit card company's rewards program. Who should I contact?
You should contact your credit or debit card issuer using the number listed on the back of your card.

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13. How do I contact my credit or debit card company to make a payment?
To contact your card company regarding a payment, refer to the telephone number printed on the back of your payment card.

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14. How can I verify that my payment was made correctly?
You may call 1-877-754-4413 to verify telephone payments. Please have your Social Security Number (or ITIN) and payment amount ready. Internet payments may be verified online if you have provided your e-mail address. You will also need your confirmation number and the last 4 digits of your card.

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15. Who do I call if my payment doesn't show up on my credit or debit card statement?
Call ACI Payments, Inc. Customer Service Department at 1-866-964-2552.

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16. I submitted my payment information, but I did not receive a confirmation number. Did my payment go through?
If you did not receive a confirmation number, please call customer service at 1-866-964-2552.

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17. I received a message that my credit or debit card company did not authorize my payment. Who should I contact?
If your credit or debit card company does not authorize your payment, you should contact your credit or debit card issuer directly using the number on the back of your card.

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18. Can I cancel a payment that has already been processed?
No. Once your payment information is submitted, the transaction is complete and cannot be cancelled.

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19. I have an APO, FPO, AA, AE or AP address. How do I make a payment through the ACI Payments, Inc. system?
If you have an APO, FPO, AA or AP address, you may use the Internet to make your payment. Click on the Payment Center and follow the steps in the payment process. On Step 4, make sure to enter your APO, FPO, AA, AE or AP address and select the country in which you're stationed.

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